I've been researching the flipped classroom. A flipped classroom uses internet based video lessons to introduce new concepts to students. This frees the teacher to be able to circulate around the room and help students at their desks. Students benefit by having more one-on-one time with the teacher, and increased opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback. Using video based instruction also allows the student re-watch or rewind sections of the video that may be more difficult for them to grasp, and they can watch the video as many times as needed.
I am excited to share with my students and parents a wonderful resource I have found called the Khan Academy. This website contains videos explaining thousands of math and science concepts in detail, and is already being used in schools around the world. I hope to use many of these videos in class. Struggling students will benefit from being able to review, while students who grasp concepts quickly can move on to watch and practice more advanced concepts.
This tool will be an awesome way for kids to practice at home, or anyplace they have access to the internet. It's easy to track their progress using a login and password of your choice. It's absolutely free, too! Follow the link below to set up an account and get started!
Watch a sample video:
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