Thursday, July 26, 2012

Stop Light Self Assessment

This year, as I think of new and useful classroom procedures to implement, I will be using a "Stop Light" to assess my student's understanding.

After a new topic is introduced, students will be asked to complete a problem, or answer a question, on a sticky note.  They will then decide where to place their sticky notes on the stoplight.  Green indicates "I Got It!"  Yellow says, "I'm Almost There", and Red indicates "I Still Need Help!"

As students stop and reflect about whether they understand the material or not, they are taking ownership of their own learning.  Students are usually very honest about this when they know that they will receive the help they need to master a topic.

After the students have indicated their level of understanding, I will review the sticky notes and determine who has mastered the topic and who needs reteaching in small guided math groups.  Students will be excited to see their understanding improve from red or yellow to green, and those who already show mastery will be able to move on to a more challenging assignment or activity.

Stop Light formative assessment: Go to Timeouts and Tootsie Rolls blog spot for full explanation.

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